Thursday, October 11, 2012

Stouffer's meal for two: grilled chicken and asiago tortellini

I'm back!!!!!!!! And I started off with this lovely meal for two! Well, actually this was more like meal 1 1/2. Right off the bat, I realized this was not as much food as the previous meal for two that I tried. AND it was more expensive (around 8 bucks). The same rules apply, you cook in a skillet for 12 minutes and serve.

One thing this meal has going for it... It's delicious! I had intended on saving half for reheating on the following day but no sir! I ate a good 3/4th's of the meal. Creamy sauce, perfect pasta, and spinach for a touch of color and flavor. To say that I was pleased with the flavor combo is an understatement. I just wish that there was more of it! It reheated pretty good the next day but it was not a full portion in my opinion.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Due to the annoying idiot that keeps screwing up my blog, (thanks a lot dude) I will only be posting once a week.  This will take place on Fridays and you can look forward to more hilariously disgusting and surprising delicious reviews :)

Thanks for hanging in there while I work out the kinks in the system! You are a trooper!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Healthy Choice Top Chef: Chicken Margherita

I'm always incredible cautious about products that boast their relationships with tv shows. Congrats, you talked to some guy who had something to do with that thing next door to the show...or however you made this connection. But since I felt the urge to have some pasta and chicken, I thought "Eh why not?".

First and foremost, I had to read the directions 4 times before I completely understood what I needed to do. Maybe that's because I had absolutely no sleep the night before and was stuck in a rapidly failing sugar high. Maybe it was because this is a pretentious meal that needs overly complicated instructions. No one will ever now the true answer, but one thing can definitely be said. This is not your average microwave meal. It steams the food over the sauce. Very high tech, if you ask me. (which you are)

I give this a solid B+. The dish was very good but a bit boring. I was expecting full flavor from
the top chefs. What I got was something I could have whipped up myself if I had taken 15 minutes out of my day.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pickin back up! Stouffer's signature classics: southwest-style chicken panini

I'm not even going to try to point a flaw out on this one. YUM YUM YUM!! I can honestly say that I ate every last bite! Cooking was a bit odd but it definitely did the trick. Be careful when opening this because you need the box.

The panini was really fantastic and I didn't even take the time to put it together. I chowed down on this baby like someone was going to steal it. Definitely worth it!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Please stand by...

We are experiencing some technical difficulties and I haven't been able to post anything.  Looks like we are back and running so keep an eye out for a new post!

Thanks for sticking in there folks :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Stouffer's signature classics meatloaf

So first off, I apologize for missing the blog yesterday. A lot of things happened. I said some things, you said some things, and promises were broken. But it's ok now, and we made it through. Now on to today's review.

I accidentally bought this. ( and yes that can happen.) I almost didn't try this one because I felt like it wasn't going to taste good at all. But because I'm dedicated (and broke) I went for it!

I'm torn on this one, because the meatloaf takes the full amount of time to cook, 4 minutes then 5 1/2 minutes at half power. But, the mashed potatoes really only need 2 minutes or so, in my opinion. In a perfect world, this dish would be in two separate containers. But it's not. So, if you want cold meatloaf with great potatoes or hot meatloaf with awful potatoes, then this is the dish for you. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lean cuisine chicken fettuccini

Let's just jump right in this one, shall we? This was very accurately represented on the box. It had the same consistency as the photo suggested, same amount of chicken, same coloring. In fact, it even tasted as I would have expected from the box. It's not too heavy, which is great considering what it is. A decent amount of seasoning was present but I felt like the salt was a little much. The chicken was the quality you should expect from a frozen meal. ( a little questionable at times but overall editable and sometimes delicious.) I don't know what else to say...

Bravo lean cuisine, bravo. I am pleased.