Saturday, September 15, 2012

Stouffer's signature classics meatloaf

So first off, I apologize for missing the blog yesterday. A lot of things happened. I said some things, you said some things, and promises were broken. But it's ok now, and we made it through. Now on to today's review.

I accidentally bought this. ( and yes that can happen.) I almost didn't try this one because I felt like it wasn't going to taste good at all. But because I'm dedicated (and broke) I went for it!

I'm torn on this one, because the meatloaf takes the full amount of time to cook, 4 minutes then 5 1/2 minutes at half power. But, the mashed potatoes really only need 2 minutes or so, in my opinion. In a perfect world, this dish would be in two separate containers. But it's not. So, if you want cold meatloaf with great potatoes or hot meatloaf with awful potatoes, then this is the dish for you. Enjoy.

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