Saturday, September 8, 2012

Bertolli Classic Meal for Two: Tuscan-Style Braised Beef with Gold Potatoes

After my last fiasco with a frozen meal, I decided to take a different route.  I have seen the Bertolli meals and they look DELICIOUS, so this was the obvious next step for me.  I wanted something hearty and fulfilling and whats better than meat and potatoes?  (The answer is nothing, by the way.)  The meal is for two, but after emptying the contents in a large skillet I realized that this was definitely enough for three normal sized meals, at least for lunch sized portions.  I was thrilled!  My senses were in high alert once the pan hit the heat.  The red and yellow peppers released an amazing aroma that combined perfectly with the beef and potatoes.  It took 12 minutes to cook, stirring occasionally.  The only complaint that I have would be that the potatoes were cut different sizes.  This caused some of them to not be cooked as much as I would like.  I would rate the quality of the meat as a solid 7.  It was a little fatty but not chewy at all.  I was very pleased to see how close the picture is to the end result!  A happy ending for me at last :)

To Be Continued.....

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